Resources for Pennsylvania Voters

General Information
Pennsylvania Voting & Election Information - Department of State
Ballotpedia - learn who and what will be on your ballot
Voterizer.org - a one-stop shop for voting information
Vote411 - a one-stop-shop for election information
833-PA-VOTES (833-728-6837) - Pennsylvania Democratic Voter Information & Protection Hotline.

Voting in Person
ID Information (only applies if it's your first time using a new polling place)
Drive Your Ballot - get a ride to the polls
Vote In Person By Mail (AKA early voting)
Important Dates
2025 Pennsylvania Primary Election
May 5: last day to register to vote in the primary.
May 13: last day to request a mail-in or absentee ballot for the general election. Our suggested deadline is May 6.
May 19: last day for military and overseas absentee ballots to be submitted for delivery, no later than 11:59 PM
May 20: Primary Election, polls open 7AM - 8PM. By PA law, anyone who is in line by 8PM must be allowed to vote. If you are in line at 8PM, stay in line until your ballot has been cast.
May 20: last day for County Board of Elections to receive completed mail-in ballots, must be received by 8:00 PM - not just postmarked!
May 27: last day for County Board of Elections to receive completed military and overseas absentee ballots.